Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Search Begins.......

Have been thinking a lot of late about some really complex issues that I have been facing (And when I come to think of it, "Thinking" by itself is a complex task for me!!!). Been trying hard to understand people around me, their behaviors, their likes, dislikes and everything inbetween. Probably I should try to learn "Rocket Science" for that should be much simpler than the "Bewildering" task that I have undertaken.

There seems to be no 'Predictability' about people & their behaviors. Then I started thinking about why people are like this & what could be the possible reason for these "Random Outcomes" from people. What could hold answers for this? Psychology? Culture? Social Upbringing? Freudian 'Something'? Is there something very obvious that my pea sized brain (Thank God, I have that atleast) is missing? A 'Clue' perhaps that is always present but which I am over-looking out of my ignorance or otherwise? Maybe yes. Before I even ventured on to 'Predict', 'Analyze' & 'Understand' others, do I know myself?

Hmmm. There it is. I think I have hit the nail on its head. I am not sure on whether I know myself well. With such limited understanding of my own self, I had no chance whatsoever of understanding others. What is needed is an introspection, probing deep into my inner self & finding hidden meanings about myself.

It is the understanding of my heart that holds the key to the heart of others. Knowing fully well the arduous task that I have undertaken, I am determined to go the full distance to get the answers. The search has begun.......

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