Wednesday, September 24, 2008

According To Me -- US Economy

This post is not to talk about whether the US government should dole out $700 billion to bail out the Wall street. Did you guys think that I had so much knowledge to talk about all these things? The only thing that I clearly understood after reading all the news for the last 3-4 days about the financial situation is that I have no idea about economics! When I tried to research more into the topic, I got even more confused......

Can someone explain to me all this in 'english'? I mean, the only thing that I can understand is that it is going to change the game radically. Whether it is for the good or bad, I have no way of knowing. Will this affect India? It is going to affect India is the simple answer. That is one thing that I am very sure of. When US catches a cold, the whole of India sneezes BIG time. And this seems to be a time when US seems to have caught a pretty bad cold. (The pun when considered with the picture above is surely unintended!)

(And I found the below picture right after I finished this posting. It was too good and so simple that I have decided to add this picture as well to the post)


Ray said...

அரண்அறிந்து வெஃகா அறிவுடையார்ச் சேரும்
திறன்அறிந்து ஆங்கே திரு
The wise do not covet; gain beautiful wealth, on a righteous path.
(Kural 178)

Greed caused all this. I don't have a clue as to what the future holds for us. But hope is a beautiful thing and I'm trying to live with it.

Hopefully things will turn around by summer next year.

Howard Roark said...

Wow......... I love the simplicity of Thirukural!

Very true. I have hope that things will turn for the better.


Raj said...

Nice post on US economy.
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