Monday, February 18, 2008

Acacia & Ants -- A complex story

I am a great admirer of the biological world and nothing fascinates me more than the interaction between the various elements that make up the biological world. I came across this news sometime back but never got the time to blog on this. It is almost unbelievable to think about the complexities of nature. To consider that some plants start dying soon when they are kept in a protected environment is indeed amazing. The nature of nature is so unpredictable that this mysterious nature seems to be the prime reason to be so much attracted towards it.

On a related philosophical note, are humans also similar to this? Will they become ineffective & wither away if the challenges that are posed to them are removed? Are problems and complexities that we face in our life someway related to our sustained growth?


mansam said...

On a related philosophical note, are humans also similar to this? Will they become ineffective & wither away if the challenges that are posed to them are removed? Are problems and complexities that we face in our life someway related to our sustained growth?
Two unrelated points I want to post here.

1) A young man was watching a silk cocoon breaking and a butterfly trying to emerge from that. It was struggling to come out. Quite a struggle rather. Out of pity he opened the cocoon and let the butterfly out. He couldnt bear to watch the struggle of the butterfly. But unfortunately even after a few days that butterfly couldnt fly and it never flew rather. Then he realised that the struggle to come out of the cocoon is a process for strengthening the flying muscles of the butterfly which were never developed.

2) Target / goal setting for oneself.

Howard Roark said...

Thanks for stopping by. I totally agree with ur first point. I am not sure whether I understood Ur second point. Could you please elaborate more?
